Thursday, September 11, 2008

(Updated w/ artwork)

What is the most bizarre thing you have done?

What is the most bizarre thing you have done?

via Common Ties, 2008-09-11


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that's you??? I didn't even notice the name. LOL
Dude, you're screwed up. ;)
Such a pleasure to know you.

Mike said...

I exaggerated a little. I do keep track of what I do during the day as a way of going through my todo list, and I did break it down by 1/100 of a day as a kind of Visual Basic experiment that was similar to something else I was playing around with in Excel. I don't think I actually wrote that in under 15 minutes though, that just sounded good to me. I had nothing to do with the artwork.

The other thing that Common Ties bought from me they haven't published, because the artwork they bought for it had an image of a little girl instead of a little boy. (The earliest memory one). Looking back at that one it seems really corny to me now, so I'm kind of glad they didn't post it.