Saturday, March 31, 2007

Like a spigot that I open on my head.

The mountain of clothes and dishes is some sisyphean plot to bury me.

The air is swirling with the escaped moments, dreams, thoughts, pieces of who I used to be. I am that person still/again? I am something new. I am a teacher. I pass on knowledge (or at least relay it from other people.) More of a collector and disseminator. Disseminating to my seminal works. Ha!

The layers of dust are thickening. There is a film on the walls, on my skin. It is reaching into my ear. Water doesn't remove it, though I try nearly every day. I need the wind to wash it off. Is it ready to burst forth? I feel that small stirring of force. Will it sustain? Is it the magic? Time will tell.

Time for spring cleaning. Open the windows and let the outside air in. Let the fleas breath the awesome spirit of... something. The breath of the world removing all filth. A cosmic enema.

Who knows what tomorrow may bring.

Monday, March 26, 2007

"No more moving!"

Impossible. I have to be moving. If I'm not, then I'm sick or dead. I want to stop moving though. I want to let the waters calm so the mud settles and I can see the bottom sand. The ripples underneath the waves. There is a motor in me that won't quit. It sends steam up my throat to fire my brain engine. The pressure behind my eyes forces them to dart about, looking for relief.

My body is failing. The joints are coming unhinged. The outer layers are peeling off. Things are erupting out. The container is coming apart, unable to hold all of me together anymore.

Calm. Calm. I pray for calm. Maybe not pray. To pray would be to open myself up to the outside. That's something I really can't do. The world is not ready. The ooze inside is not a pretty site.

I see the collections of my life surrounding me and wonder if I'm connected to these things, or will they just blow away with the next breeze. What will be left when all the outer layers have been stripped away. What will be at the core? Is there one? (I'm devolved into the question game again.)

I ask the universe (or myself) to guide me.